Cadzow Knowledgebase

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“Some data may not be displayed” when printing labels

When printing certain reports, most notably labels in Cadzow 2000, you may be presented with the following:

  • Some data may not be displayed.
    There is not enough horizontal space on the page for the number of columns and column spacing you specified.
    Click Page Setup on the File menu, click the Layout tab, and then reduce the number of columns or the size of the columns.

Upon pressing OK, the report/labels print correctly.

This occurs because different printers have different “dead zones” — the unprintable area on the edges of the page — and these margins are hard-coded into the printer driver.

Labels in particular are prone to this error because they are very precisely formatted on the page and an extra millimetre in the printer's internal margins can cause Cadzow 2000 to think there is not enough space on the page.


Although in most cases the reports will print correctly, this can be remedied as follows:

  • Upgrade the printer driver — sometimes the margins in older versions of the printer driver are not correct and are updated later;

  • Configure the printer driver to reduce the margins (not all printer drivers allow this);

  • Use a different printer.

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